Christine Tindal MS, LM, CPM

Christine Tindal MS, LM, CPM

Christine is a Washington State licensed midwife, certified professional midwife, and co-founder of In Tandem Midwifery and resident midwife. She earned her BS in Cellular Molecular and Developmental Biology from the University of Washington in 2006 followed by her Master of Science in Midwifery at Bastyr University in 2011. She is committed to helping women and their families navigate and thrive during pregnancy and birth, and to supporting them through the transitions inherent in welcoming a new baby into the family.

Christine’s hobbies include crocheting hats and baby blankets, though most of these never seem to get finished; traveling the world one place at a time; and every once in a while, reading a book for fun. Christine can often be found playing with her favorite kids, experimenting with cookie recipes, or attempting to wear out her sweet and energetic Border Collie-German Sheperd-something mix, Henrietta, by throwing balls at the dog park.


Taylor Hamil MS, LM, CPM, LMT

Taylor Hamil MS, CPM, LMT is a co-founder of In Tandem Midwifery. Taylor has relocated to the Big Island of Hawaii, but continues to offer virtual visits for our Pacific Northwest families with a focus on health and fertility awareness. Her in person specialties include: The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® (ATMAT/ Maya Massage), newborn/ infant/ pediatric and adult craniosacral, healing bodywork & NeurOptimal® (neurofeedback). You can read about her practice at Banyan Birth in Kailua Kona, Hawai’i.
